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Physical Therapy in Ubud

One way to do physical therapy in Ubud is with Pilates at the Movement Matters studio. Pilates is well-known for its many benefits including core training and physical therapy. Due to its biomechanics-based training, backed by anatomy and movement science research, Pilates has been used by physiotherapists worldwide to rehabilitate injuries in the spine, neck, hip, knee, shoulder and ankle.  Joseph Pilates, the founder of Pilates method, used his method to help people with injuries and get them back on their feet.

Although Movement Matters Bali (our studio in Ubud) is not technically a physiotherapy clinic, our instructors are trained to work with osteopaths, chiropractors , physiotherapists and doctors. Our customized Pilates exercises work as a bridge for our clients on their journey from the rehabilitative stage to the fully functional stage. We call this phase Post-Rehabilitation.

We view physical therapy as more than purely healing an injury. Our goal is to make our clients better than they were before the injury and to give them the tools to maintain a long and injury free life. We achieve these physical therapy goals by understanding that each client is unique and that our consistent success comes from our ability to customize programs for each client’s individual needs. With homework exercises and follow up assessments, our clients are always part of the Movement Matters Bali family on their road to a healthy, pain free lifestyle.

“Effective physical therapy is not just healing the injury. Effective physical therapy must provide a roadmap of the past so the client understands what led to the injury and then a roadmap to the future on how to prevent future injuries.”

We are here to help you, contact us to schedule a meeting with us!

~Sook Fun
