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Yoga in Ubud

Many people associate Ubud with yoga. The Island of the Gods attracts thousands of yogis every year to learn, teach and share their yoga practice.
Pilates, on the other hand, is a ‘new found’ interest for many and has gained popularity over the last 4-5 years due to the opening of new studios in Canggu, Seminyak, Kuta and Ubud.

I came to Bali 8 years ago and settled in Ubud, in many ways the culture center of Bali. I opened a Pilates studio here in order to provide an alternative to the vibrant Ubud yoga community. Pilates was not well known in Ubud then, and introducing Pilates to the community was a challenge because there was very little awareness about this movement modality.

I was both excited and worried about where my adventure would lead me. I took a chance, found land in my neighborhood and built a large Pilates studio full of natural light.

My intention and professional expertise have been well-received in both short and long-term visitors to Ubud. They are curious about Pilates and what I have to offer in my practice. I have also developed friendships and working relationships with well-known health care practitioners here in Bali. We have formed a great healing team to help our clients with their various issues.

My Pilates studio provides an alternative to yoga in Ubud as well as an opportunity to compliment clients’ yoga practice.

Pilates helps to build support from the inside out and, it is well known for its core training. Our core muscles, when they are conditioned well, help prevent back injuries and build the body allowing it to become supple and strong. A strong core muscle system allows us to safely handle not only our daily tasks but also our athletic pursuits.

Many Ubud yoga practitioners have come through our door and worked with us over the years.

With experience we have gained understanding into what they need to strengthen their physical practice. We are grateful to work with them to help guide their practice to a higher level.
