Recovering from an injury can be frustrating if we do not know how to manage the pain but are eager to get back into being functional.

The good news is that with both the old and new injuries, if we give it the right amount of proper care, the body will restore its function and the pain will subside due to the diminishing of the compensation patterns and adequate support from the muscular system within the body.

Our teachers are able to guide you through a step-by-step protocols to facilitate the recovery and to restore functions in your body though movement.

This Program is for

  • Anyone who are recovering from a recent injury.
  • Anyone who have been dealing with an older injury.

Program Component and Goals

  • An initial assessment of your injury history, postural and muscular imbalances.
  • Design a customized program to help with restoring functions through the whole system including working with the deep musculature to support the body, strengthen the weaker muscles, and stretch/release the tighter ones.
  • To help clients understand about the nature of their injury.
  • To educate clients about their body and ways to manage it to prevent future injuries due to faulty movement pattern and muscular imbalances.
  • Program consist of One-on-One sessions and home program.

Program Detail

Phase 1

Establish deep core support
Postural alignment and control
Managing pain

Duration: 20-30 sessions depending of the severity, complexity of the injury, client’s commitment to the program. Less or more may be required.

Frequency: twice a week, plus home work time.

Phase 2

Movement control in a less supportive set up, to lead the body towards being independent.

Duration: 20-30 sessions. Less or more may be required.

Frequency: twice a week, plus home work time.

Phase 3

Training the body in functional movement.

Duration: 10-20 sessions.

Frequency: once or twice a week, plus home work time.

Phase 4

Clients can join group classes or partner with another person for duet sessions. Or continue with private sessions.

Please note that the above duration suggestion is based on our work with previous clients, it can vary from one person to another. Our teachers will constantly discuss your progress with you.


In the initial sessions, you will expect to move with more ease and better alignment in your posture. The pain may still linger for the while, but the subtle changes that happens in your deep support system will start to support you, and the bigger muscles group, because of the alignment change, can start to work better.

You will be given on-going home work to help accelerate your healing. We find that clients who are PATIENT, COMMITTED and do their homework as directed, see a faster and consistent result.

Your commitment in healing will lead you to a strong and supple body, and to have more energy to accomplish your daily tasks. You will be able then, to enjoy what you love doing.

We are here to assist you to plan for your recovery, contact us!
