Post-natal core training is not only about regaining a flat tummy for appearance sake. The process is often complicated by diastasis recti—thinning of the tissue between the right and left sides of the rectus abdominis muscle—a condition that often contributes to lower back, shoulder and pelvic floor issues, both during and after pregnancy. The good news is that we can help restore the integrity of the rectus abdominis through specialized exercise-based intervention. This course combines the latest research on diastasis recti and exercise. The focus is on the causes and how to restore the core with a Pilates-based conditioning program, modified to the needs of post-natal people with diastasis recti. You will leave with a clear understanding of what the condition is, how to identify it, and how to help clients work with and recover from it.
Learning objectives
- Learn to identify and test for diastasis recti
- Explore the importance of breath work and a step-by-step protocol to retrain it for restoration of strength and resilience to the body’s core
- Learn pivotal movements and exercises to recondition the abdominal wall when diastasis recti is present