We all know that a strong core is key to optimal function, balance and equilibrium. But how can we best facilitate effective core control and still create programs that appeal to average people who can’t connect to subtle movements and deep inner muscles? In this course, we take a global approach to the concept of core and analyze both the inner and outer cylinders of support. These core systems help produce support and movement for the entire body as they criss-cross and spiral the torso. In-depth analysis is followed by observation and self-practice using specific exercises for each layer. You leave with a clear idea of how to help people connect to the different parts of their core.
Learning objectives
- Discover what the inner unit of support is and how it functions
- Learn what the outer unit of support is and how it functions
- Practise exercises for both inner and outer units for optimal core control
- Explore ways to develop a sequence of exercises based on the core systems