Our Advanced Specialist Certificates allow you to delve deeply into concepts and protocols to help your clients make lasting change in the neuro-myo-fascial-skeletal systems of the human body.

People dealing with chronic movement impairments and pain syndromes depend on a systematic and holistic approach, and our diploma programs provide you with a broad set of lenses through which to observe, problem solve and support the people you serve. Click on the links below to understand the scope of each program.

Advanced Biomechanics Specialist(60 hours)

Advanced Biomechanics Certificate program consist of 14 courses(including the courses in the prerequisite Essential Biomechanics Specialist). We cover how all major joints function on their own and as part of the entire neuro-myo-fascial system of the body. Observation and assessment techniques for movement patterns throughout the body are also covered. When you complete this program, you are equipped to identify movement issues and make educated exercise choices that result in positive and lasting changes for your clients.

If you are a professional who wants in-depth knowledge of movement function and practical application of concepts in the real world, this program is for you.

No previous Pilates experience is required.

Prerequisite: Essential Biomechanics Specialist certificate

• Core Integrity(12 hr)
• Breathing Mechanics and Protocols(6 hr)
• Sacroiliac Joint: The Critical, Functional Link(6 hr)
• Neurophysiology 101(12 hr)
• Myofascial Lines of Movement(12 hr)
• Advanced Postural Analysis(12 hr)

Rehabilitative Exercise Specialist(80 hours)

Rehabilitative Exercise Specialist program consist of 20 courses(including the courses in the prerequisite Essential Biomechanics Specialist). We focus on restoring optimal movement for improved function. We approach movement issues by teaching you to pay attention to and support the functions that are working well while addressing any physical impairments. Central to this program are assessment skills related to multiple movement impairments and conditions, as well as protocols to create ease of movement and functional support in the body from head to toe.

If you are a movement specialist who wants to serve post-rehab clients with a systematic approach to movement impairments that considers all aspects of the neuro-fascial-musculoskeletal system, this program is for you.

No previous Pilates experience is required.

Prerequisite: Essential Biomechanics Specialist certificate

• Post-Rehab Protocols: Spine(12 hr)
• Post-Rehab Protocols: Shoulder(12 hr)
• Post-Rehab Protocols: Hip and Knee(12 hr)
• Neurophysiology 101(12 hr)
• Neurophysiology 201(6 hr)
• Pain 101(3 hr)
• Hip Replacements(3 hr)
• Pre and Post-Rehab Solutions for Knee Replacements and ACL Reconstruction(3 hr)
• Upper Cervical Spine(3 hr)
• Beyond Breast Cancer(6 hr)
• Movement and Exercise for Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases(6 hr)
• Self-Care Strategies for Jaw Pain(2 hr)
